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Athena and her girlfriend Rose are determined to have a baby together, but the cost of IVF treatments is prohibitive. Desperate to fulfill their dream, Athena calls her old friend Will, known for his stud-like qualities. Rose, nervous but eager, has never seen a cock before. Athena guides Rose, teaching her how to suck Will's cock. Rose then rides Will, loving the sensation as Athena and Will grope her. Will finishes inside Rose's virgin pussy, and Athena bends over for Will to pound her while she licks Rose's cum-filled pussy. The intense pleasure makes them cum repeatedly. Rose spreads her legs for Will to fuck her again, enjoying every moment until he cums inside her once more. Athena begs Will to do the same to her, and he pounds her until he finishes inside her. Finally, Will fucks Rose again, draining his balls all over their faces.
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